Source code for pygrade.push

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Push grades to student repositories.

    pygrade push [--grades <file>] [--workdir <file>]

    -h, --help
    -g, --grades <file>             JSON grades output by the grade command [default: grades.json]
    -w, --workdir <file>            Temporary directory for storing assignments [default: students]
from docopt import docopt
from git import Repo
import json
import os

from . import get_local_repo

[docs]def write_grade_file(grade, grade_path): outf = open(grade_path, 'wt') outf.write('Grade: %.2f/%.2f\n' % (grade['grade'], grade['possible_points'])) if len(grade['deductions']) > 0: outf.write('\n%d Deduction(s):\n\n' % len(grade['deductions'])) for i, d in enumerate(grade['deductions']): outf.write('--------------\n#%d: %.2f points\nFailing test: %s\n%s--------------\n\n' % (i + 1, d['points'], d['summary'], d['trace'])) outf.close()
[docs]def push_file(repo, grade, grade_path): repo_obj = Repo(repo) index = repo_obj.index index.add([grade_path]) index.commit('grade %s' % grade['assignment']) repo_obj.remotes[0].push()
[docs]def push_grades(grades, path): for g in grades: repo = get_local_repo(g['student'], path) asg_path = os.path.dirname(g['assignment'][0]) grade_path = os.path.join(repo, asg_path, 'grade.txt') write_grade_file(g, grade_path) print('pushing grade %s to %s' % (grade_path, g['student']['github_repo'])) push_file(repo, g, os.path.join(asg_path, 'grade.txt'))
[docs]def main(): args = docopt(__doc__) path = args['--workdir'] grades = [json.loads(s) for s in open(args['--grades'])] print('pushing %d grades' % (len(grades))) push_grades(grades, path)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()