Source code for pygrade.grade

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Grade a Python assignment, writing results to a .json file.

    pygrade grade --test <file> [--students <file>] [--output <file>] [--workdir <file>] [--pull] [--extra <file>]

    -h, --help
    -e, --extra <file>              File containing extra deductions, in tab-separated format: github_id points_off reason
    -o, --output <file>             Output file [default: grades.json]
    -p, --pull                      Pull latest code from student repository.
    -s, --students <file>           Students TSV file [default: students.tsv]
    -t, --test <file>               File containing python tests for grading
    -w, --workdir <file>            Temporary directory for storing assignments [default: students]
from collections import defaultdict
from docopt import docopt
import importlib
import inspect
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import traceback
import time
import unittest

from . import get_local_repo, path2name, pull_repo, read_assignment_metadata, read_students

[docs]def import_file_as_module(path): """ Return a python file as a module. """ module_name = path2name(path) loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(module_name, path) return loader.load_module()
def _run_tests(test_path): """ Run the unit tests in this file and return the results. """ test_module = import_file_as_module(test_path) suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(test_module) test_results = unittest.TestCase().defaultTestResult() return
[docs]def deduct_failures(test_results): """ Accumulate each failed tests and the points lost.""" deductions = [] for failure in test_results.failures + test_results.errors: msg = failure[1] match ='\@points\s*=\s*([0-9\.]+)', failure[0]._testMethodDoc) points = float( if match else 0 source = ' '.join(inspect.getsourcelines(getattr(failure[0], failure[0]._testMethodName))[0]) deduction = {'summary': '%s%s' % (failure[0]._testMethodName, ': ' + failure[0]._testMethodDoc if failure[0]._testMethodDoc else ''), 'trace': '%s\nsource:\n%s' % (msg, source), 'points': points} deductions.append(deduction) return deductions
[docs]def load_assignment_modules(repo, assignment_subpaths, metadata, result, results): for assignment_subpath in assignment_subpaths: assignment_path = os.path.join(repo, assignment_subpath) try: import_file_as_module(assignment_path) except Exception as e: # Compiler error or file not present. exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() result['deductions'] = [{'summary': 'cannot import %s' % assignment_subpath, 'trace': '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception_only(exc_type, exc_value)), 'points': metadata['possible_points']}] result['grade'] = 0 results.append(result) return False return True
[docs]def unload_assignment_modules(repo, assignment_subpaths): """ Unload assignment modules, so that another student's module doesn't stay loaded when grading the next student. """ for assignment_subpath in assignment_subpaths: assignment_path = os.path.join(repo, assignment_subpath) del sys.modules[path2name(assignment_path)] return True
[docs]def run_tests(students, test_path, path, do_pull, student2extra): """ Run unit tests and deduct points for each failed test. Return a dictionary of results for each student. FIXME: check for errors? """ metadata = read_assignment_metadata(test_path) assignment_subpaths = metadata['files_to_test'] results = [] for s in students: print('grading %s' % str(s)) sys.stdout.flush() result = {'student': s, 'assignment': assignment_subpaths, 'time_graded': time.asctime(), 'possible_points': metadata['possible_points']} repo = get_local_repo(s, path) if do_pull: print('pulling %s' % s['github_repo']) pull_repo(repo) if not load_assignment_modules(repo, assignment_subpaths, metadata, result, results): # Could not load an assignment file. Give 0 points and continue. yield result continue test_results = _run_tests(test_path) result['deductions'] = deduct_failures(test_results) + student2extra[s['github_id']] result['grade'] = max(0, metadata['possible_points'] - sum(d['points'] for d in result['deductions'])) results.append(result) unload_assignment_modules(repo, assignment_subpaths) yield result
#return results
[docs]def write_grades(grades, out_path): outf = open(out_path, 'w') for g in grades: outf.write(json.dumps(g) + '\n') outf.flush() outf.close() print('saved results in %s' % out_path)
[docs]def read_extra_deductions(args): """ Read a file containing additional deductions for a student. E.g. for late points; or if there is a small compiler error that the grader fixes in order to run the rest of the tests. """ student2extra = defaultdict(lambda: []) if args['--extra']: for line in open(args['--extra']): parts = line.split('\t') student2extra[parts[0]].append({'points': float(parts[1]), 'summary': parts[2], 'trace': ''}) return student2extra
[docs]def main(): args = docopt(__doc__) print(args) path = args['--workdir'] student2extra = read_extra_deductions(args) print('working directory=%s' % path) students = read_students(args['--students']) print('read %d students' % len(students)) results = run_tests(students, args['--test'], path, args['--pull'], student2extra) write_grades(results, args['--output'])
if __name__ == '__main__': main()